The North Carolina Central University Bachelor of Science Birth-Kindergarten Teacher Education program will prepare you to work professionally with children ages birth through kindergarten, whether they are developing typically or at-risk for or diagnosed with a disability. You will gain an understanding of the foundations and theories related to child development and early childhood education, and will learn how to create learning environments that foster children’s development, how to select materials and use appropriate teaching methods, how to incorporate technology into the curriculum, how to plan an anti-biased multi-cultural classroom environment, and how to involve families in their children’s education.

Four-Year Curriculum Plan in Early Childhood Development



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Students who have a Bachelor’s degree may pursue a second degree, which will require a minimum of two semesters of full-time study. Second degree students and licensed teachers who wish to obtain additional B-K licensure will have their transcripts and work experience individually evaluated and an individual plan of study will be developed for them.

The program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and approved by the NC Department of Public Instruction.

  • Private and Public Preschool and Kindergarten Settings
  • Head Start Programs
  • Childcare Centers
  • Home-based Early Intervention Services
  • Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies
  • High Quality Early Childhood Education Programs
  • University-Based Education Programs

Estimated Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hour

*Please note: Tuition & Fees are subject to change*

Minimum GPA: 2.0 (1st Degree) and 2.7 (2nd Degree)

Praxis Core for Educators Exam

Admission Requirements

Field experiences and student teaching requirement must be completed in NC”

Application Deadline:

  • November 15th – Spring Admission deadline

Dr. Wykeshia Glass, Interim Coordinator
Department Office: (919) 530-6669 or (919) 530-6466
Fax: (919) 530-7983

Schedule appointment:

Visit program website for more information

Program Summary