The 48 hour Career Counseling Program is the only CACREP online career program in the nation & one of ten CACREP accredited programs in the United States. The Program prepares students to work as career development professionals with people of all ages in a variety of setttings. These settings include, but are not limited to, career services offices in colleges, universities, community colleges, K-12 public and private schools, nonprofit organizations, and private companies. The Program is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditiation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and is an endorsed member of the International Registry of Counselor Education Programs (IRCEP).
Request Info ApplyMaster's Degree ProgramsCareer Counseling
The Program is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and is an endorsed member of the International Registry of Counselor Education Programs (IRCEP).
- Colleges
- Universities
- Community Colleges
- K-12 Public Schools
- Private Schools
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Private Companies
Estimated Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hour
*Please note: Tuition & Fees are subject to change*
- Minimum GPA: 2.7
- Bachelor’s Degree
- 2 Recommendations
- Application
- Official Transcripts of all schools attended
Application Deadline:
- February 1st (admits Fall term only)
Admissions Specialist: Mrs. Vonda Belle
Telephone #: (919) 530-6478
Dr. Peggy Whiting
Department Office: (919) 530-7289
Fax: (919) 530-7522