Am I Ready to Take Online Courses?

Take our Quick Assessment to find out

Online courses are different than face-to-face courses. There are certain skills that an online student should have (or develop) in order to be successful in her or his online learning. Before enrolling in an online course, it is critical for you to know what is expected from you and what is needed to be a successful online learner.


Please carefully read every statement in each row and click on the button of the statement that best describes you. Once you are done, make sure to read the interpretation of your results at the bottom of the questionnaire.

A   Points   B
I am ready for online learning! ⇐
⇒ I may need a little more preparation.


Interpreting the Results

  • Statements that are weighted 3 and 4 points represent the most important skills and abilities needed to effectively and successfully take an online course.  Selecting several statements from column A (on the left) for these items is a positive indication that you are prepared for success in online learning.
  • Statements weighted 1 point and 2 points also address many important skills; that contribute to your academic success in online learning.  These skills and capabilities can be easily developed during your matriculation in an online course.

A total score of 19 or higher in column B (on the right) is an indication that you may need to review additional resources and tutorials to prepare yourself for online learning. Explore the resources below to jumpstart your success in online learning at NCCU!

How to access my NCCU email account

Tutorial videos to excel with Blackboard

How to upload attachments via email

How use Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)

How to make a PDF out of almost anything

How to produce and upload a YouTube video

Also consider utilizing the following tutorials provided by the Goodwill Community Foundation:

Typing Tutorial

Internet Basics Tutorials


Student Online Readiness Self-Assessment by Zakaria Jouaibi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This material is based on original content by Glenn Pillsbury at CSU Stanislaus, which was published freely under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license at