The M.S. in Environmental Earth and Geospatial Science is a 30-credit program that will be offered asynchronously through the Department of Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences (DEEGS) at North Carolina Central University. Asynchronous classes may be offered concurrently with on-campus face-to-face classes and may offer students opportunities to join classes synchronously. Full-time students typically take 9 credits (3 courses) per 15-week semester for 3 semesters. Their fourth semester will culminate in a semester-long capstone project – either an internship project or thesis – under the tutelage of a faculty member. Summer and intersession courses offered by the DEEGS may shorten this timeline so students can be done in as little as 3 semesters. Students coming to the M.S. program from our ABM (Accelerated Bachelors/Masters) program, where undergraduate students can complete graduate coursework that can be applied towards both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements, this timeline has been as short as 1 calendar year.
This is a “New” online graduate degree program. The program is accepting applications for Spring 2024.
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