The School of Education at North Carolina Central University offers a fully online program in Middle Grades Education (6-9) with two concentrations in science and social studies. The program is open to anyone who meets the minimum admission requirements and is eager to earn a degree in Middle Grades Education (6-9). A second-degree option is also available for candidates who already hold a BA in a different field but would like to pursue a teaching license.

Students in the Middle Grades Education Online program are involved in a rigorous program of study, which integrates content knowledge, skills, and pedagogy. Students are prepared to work in diverse cultural contexts through extensive field experiences, technological foci, course assignments, and required licensure assessments. As part of the program, students earn 24 credit hours in each of two academic concentrations: science and social studies. By fulfilling this requirement, students are exposed to concepts from a variety of subjects within the sciences (e.g., physical science, biology) and social sciences (e.g., history, geography). This prepares students to teach science and social studies in middle-level (6-9) public schools and leads to an initial North Carolina teaching license in both concentration areas (i.e., science, social studies).

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The Middle Grades Education Online program is a comprehensive program of study consisting of 124-128 credits to which transfer credit for equivalent coursework may be applied. The following are some of the highlights of the program:

  • Comprehensive Program of Study that prepares students for diverse cultural contexts
  • Courses are 100% online with a blend of synchronous and asynchronous formats
  • Course offerings are 8- and 16-weeks in fall/spring with a variety of summer options as well
  • North-Carolina based field experiences in all professional studies and methods courses
  • Access to an academic advisor and support staff in the Dept of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Support for required program and licensure assessments (e.g., Praxis Core, Praxis content)
  • Guidance on the licensure process to obtain an initial NC teaching license for grades 6-9

Upon completion of the Middle Grades Education Online program, graduates are eligible to apply for an initial middle-level (6-9) North Carolina teaching license with dual concentration in social studies and science. After obtaining licensure, graduates may be employed to teach science and/or social studies in grades 6-9 at any school in North Carolina. Graduates are also eligible to apply for graduate programs in education at NCCU, including the Master of School Administration, Master of Arts in Teaching (Special Education in General Curriculum, Adaptive Curriculum, and Visual Impairment, Blind and Visually Impaired Orientation with a concentration in mobility), Educational Technology, Instructional Design, school counseling, etc.

Estimated Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hour

*Please note: Tuition & Fees are subject to change*

The Middle Grades Education online program follows the University’s polices for admission (e.g., 2.0 GPA).

May 1st – Summer Admission deadline

July 15th – Fall Admission deadline

November 15th – Spring Admission deadline

Tracey Kumar, Assistant Professor

Program Coordinator, Middle Grades Education


Phone: (919) 530-6604

Program Summary